Friday, 26 October 2012


Some of you from the North East may have heard of the Olympic themed knit bombing that took place on the pier in Saltburn. If you don't know what knit bombing is it's basically ninja knitting, people who secretly knit things and attach them to things like lampposts. It's totally anonymous and whilst it's similar to Guerilla advertising and graffiti people it tends to make people smile rather than get irritated since it's a little like putting a jumper on a landmark. How could you not smile at that?

It's a really surreal sight and has hugely increased their tourism as people flock to check out the weird little characters lining the railings. Apparently somebody even knitted little Olympic torches for the torch bearers in Saltburn and posted them through their letter boxes! A while ago they were subject to tricksy knit terrorists who destroyed a lot of the characters, cut some off and left it pretty wrecked. I don't really understand the thinking behind destroying something that was doing good for the town but then I don't think there is much sense in things like that. As you can see they recovered and the secret knitters have replaced and fixed all the damage. They also added a new piece (the last photo) about how they survived the rascals...they even added some knitted CCTV. That'll tech you pesky rascals!

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